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Geo Maps for the Homeless


How can geo mapping help the homeless?


Themes: data science, geo mapping, & homelessness


Locations have more to tell us than just their longitude and latitude.  Spaces are rich in data, including temperature, natural resources, functions, inhabitants, etc.  This information can be invaluable when making decisions.


Geo mapping is a method of data analysis that lays out the data visually on a map.  This technique allows us to identify relationships and patterns that would be hard to spot just by looking at raw data. 


Create a geo map that can be used as a resource for homeless in your community.


Think about the things that the homeless may search for and how you could present this information visually on a map.



Learning Objectives

  • ​Understand how data visualization can help users discover data patterns and relationships to aid in problem solving

  • Explore methods for visualizing location-related data on a map


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